Survivalists tend to be the strongest mix of Politics, Self-Reliance, and Radicalism. As a result, the textfiles they write have one of the more unique blends of points of view of any other part of While it's unlikely you'll agree with a lot of what's being said, you have to give them the fact that they say it loud and clear.
A lot of survivalist files are dedicated to preparing for a coming collapse of society, assuming the worst and preparing for it. They're not waiting for the calvary; they're looking to eat the horses if they come this way.
Filename |
Size |
Description of the Textfile |
10-essnt.txt | 11223 | The Ten Essentials of Survival, by Scott Stoddard |
100dying.asc | 9827 | 100 Ways to Avoid Dying, by Tim Clark (April 4, 1991) |
117.txt | 8192 | Treating for Cold Exposure, from a booklet by the Red Cross |
118.txt | 8704 | Treating for Shock, by the Red Cross |
1hrrads.txt | 7296 | Collection of Exposure Rates for Various Chemicals |
abtsurv.txt | 1373 | Overview of the Survival Network |
allies | 9856 | Friends or Allies: Choice for Survival by Kurt Saxon, 1977 |
blastfnd.txt | 6144 | Some information on various destructiveness of Nuclear Blasts |
bugoutsc | 6760 | Script Outline for "Bugout", by Kurt Saxon: 1981 |
bunkers | 4963 | The Soviet Bunker Network Revealed |
bwonrads.txt | 8748 | Understanding Radiation Hazards: Is Dan Rather more dangerous than Three Mile Island? |
caravans | 13895 | The Killer Karavans, by Kurt Saxon, 1979 |
catalogs.txt | 28576 | Daniel Mayost's Procurement Directory Parts 1, 2, and 3 |
chapt-1.txt | 7431 | The Corbin Handbook: How Do You Swage Bullets? |
chapt-10.txt | 7266 | The Corbin Handbook: Individual Dies for the Reloading Press |
chapt-11.txt | 10961 | The Corbin Handbook: Draw Dies |
chapt-2.txt | 13402 | The Corbin Handbook: Making the Lead COres |
chapt-3.txt | 20634 | The Corbin Handbook: About Bullet Jackets |
chapt-4.txt | 41942 | The Corbin Handbook: Swaging in the Reloading Press |
chapt-5.txt | 43545 | The Corbin Handbook: Swaging with the Mity Mite System |
chapt-6.txt | 25900 | The Corbin Handbook: Swaging with the Hydro-Press System |
chapt-7.txt | 48273 | The Corbin Handbook: Some Specific Bullets and How to Make Them |
chapt-8.txt | 13422 | The Corbin Handbook: Books for Bullet Swagers |
chapt-9.txt | 13295 | The Corbin Handbook: Kits For your Reloading Press |
commo.txt | 3436 | Electronic Diagram for making Party Lines |
costja88 | 6085 | Is Civil Defense Cost Effective |
counter.txt | 13659 | Countermeasures by Thomas Icom |
dental.txt | 9108 | Dental Emergencies, by Douglas W. Stephens, D.D.S. |
dissapp.txt | 34236 | 100 Ways to Disappear and Live Free by Struct Def, Reprinted by Eden Press | | 17792 | Protecting Yourself from Electro-Magnetic Pulse by Duncan Long |
emp.txt | 26240 | Electro Magnetic Pulses |
evapri.txt | 5957 | The Inspectors Thoughts by Assailant's Blade and Ford Prefect |
ewater.txt | 15046 | Emergency Water, by Ken Larson, American Survival Guide Vol. 13, No. 4 |
fallfund.txt | 10624 | The Fundamentals of Fallout |
fallout.101 | 4990 | Survival 101: Fallout Fundamentals from Ken Seger's BBS |
fear | 4342 | Fear in the City, by Kurt Saxon (1981) |
finalnpr.asc | 89984 | Notes on Prepardness for Natural and Man-Made Disasters with Emphasis on Earthquakes, for the Rossman School |
fire.txt | 2560 | Notes from a Lecture on Fire Building |
fire0001.txt | 6786 | Starting Fires, from the American Survival Guide |
firebas.txt | 7115 | Campfire Basics, by Bud Journey |
firehous | 7296 | Would you Save your Family and Yourself, or would you Die in the Flames? By Arthur B. Robinson |
firewood.txt | 15487 | Efficient Fire-wood Harvesting by Richard R. Doucet |
hmestead.txt | 16853 | Building a Survivalist Homestead |
how-not | 9116 | How Not to Survive, by Kurt Saxon (1981) |
hunting.txt | 11524 | Hunting to Survive, by Bob Newman |
injuries.txt | 16811 | The Injuries that will result from a Nuclear Explosion |
intimeof.txt | 124374 | In a Time of Emergency: A Citizen's Handbook on Emergency Management from the Office of Public Affairs (1991) |
invertr.txt | 4271 | Specifications for Power Inverters |
invest | 12135 | Investment in Survival, by Kurt Saxon (1980) |
invisibl.txt | 1913 | The Art of Being Invisible, by Richard Perron |
iodine.txt | 2304 | How to Use Iodine to Sterilize Water |
ircomm.txt | 4643 | An Infrared Communicator Plan |
janowsky.txt | 17025 | Some Food for Thought, by Chris Janowsky |
jungle.txt | 64885 | Surviving in the Jungle |
king.lst | 23552 | Kevin King gives his list of Camping Medical Supplies |
lfiweare.prn | 5760 | We Are Survivalists (Essay) |
litebulb.txt | 5262 | Of Bulbs and Batteries, by Jerry Reimer |
livefree.txt | 39319 | 100 Ways to Disappear and Live Free (1985) from Eden Press and Struct Def |
lostptrl.txt | 3609 | Lost on Patrol: A Guide to Surviving Alone When You're a Cop |
magndet.txt | 9416 | Electronic Magnetic Field Disruption Detection Plans |
media.txt | 8526 | Who Controls the Media? |
nerves.hrb | 10411 | The Nervous System: Healing with Medicinal Plants |
nkwrmelt.txt | 16372 | The Melting of 'Nuclear Winter', by Russell Seitz |
nucwps.txt | 10880 | The Possible Effects of Nuclear Weapons & a Realistic Scenario for the Days after the Initial Offensive |
number | 8056 | Survival is Looking After #1, by Kurt Saxon (1976) |
paranoid | 13687 | Survival and the Paranoid, by Kurt Saxon (1977) |
pinesoup.txt | 5875 | Making Pine Soup |
plansurv.txt | 15017 | Planning Survival, by C.E. Teal (November, 1991) |
q&a_mil.txt | 21192 | The Militia Q & A, from the Constitution Society (1994) |
quakef.txt | 6384 | Earthquakes: Fact Sheet and Hints |
quest.txt | 3038 | Information about Quest Outfitters, by Donna Ransdell |
quickfix.txt | 6739 | Quick Fixes: 20 of the All Time Best Hints for Making Household Repairs, by Al Carrell (Dec/Jan 1994) |
roadblok | 13586 | Roadblocks, by Kurt Saxon (1979) |
shangri- | 9119 | Boone County: Shangri-La of the Ozarks, by Kurt Saxon (1981) |
shelter.txt | 2304 | How do I Build/Buy a Shelter? July 30, 1987 |
snakelec.txt | 1094 | South American Folk Remedy for Snakebite |
srvival.txt | 18472 | Survival List (List for Survival) January 18, 1991 |
sschools.txt | 75182 | A Collection of Security and Training Schools for a more Physical Education |
ssd.txt | 30746 | Streetwise Self-Defense, by RAF |
streetfi | 7324 | Survival by The Nimpha of the 2600 Club |
stupid | 18560 | Now Who's Stupid, Dad? By Marc Ridenour |
suburb | 8147 | The Suburban Survival Guide by Incorsis Daethr of ZED/NET |
supers.txt | 56433 | A Collection of Super Sources |
survive.txt | 18135 | Notes on Survival Training by Carl J. Archer |
survlist.txt | 3100 | A List of Suggested Items for the Household Survivalist |
survscho | 7286 | Survival School, by Kurt Saxon (1981) |
tapcode.txt | 1211 | The Vietnam POW's TapCode |
taz.txt | 262946 | The Temporary Autonomous Zone by Hakim Bey (1991) |
tenherbs.txt | 11264 | Ten Medicinal Herbs You Should Know |
think | 14592 | Survival Thinking, by Kurt Saxon (1979) |
travel.txt | 11282 | International Travel Risks, by Scott Stoddard |
trlfds.txt | 18316 | Make your Own Train Foods, by Scott Stoddard |
trouble | 2938 | When in Trouble with the Police |
undgcomm.txt | 4825 | Tactical Radio Communication Equipment by Thomas Icom/IIRG/Cybertek |
urine.txt | 2816 | Urine as a Survival Resource |
vietprmr.txt | 158208 | Vietnam Primer, by Brigadier General S. L. A. Marshall (Ret.) |
w1st-aid.txt | 19293 | Wilderness First Aid, by George E. Dvorchak, Jr., M.D. |
warcycpc.txt | 3097 | War Cycles / Peace Cycles by Richard Kelly Hoskins |
warlords | 14585 | The Coming Warlords by Kurt Saxon (1978) |
warnings | 11609 | Warnings from the Past, by Kurt Saxon (1981) |
warvsgov.txt | 9709 | War Isn't This Century's Biggest Killer, by R.J.Rummel |
whatsurv | 8551 | What is a Survivalist? By Kurt Saxon (1980) |
windhumd.crt | 2048 | Wind Chill and Humidity Factor Table |
wintdriv.txt | 4001 | 10 Winter Driving Tips |
wool.txt | 6794 | Wool: The Survival Fiber by Compatriot Howard Thomas |
wounds.txt | 11951 | Wound Care (from scrapes to sutures) by George E. Dvorchak Jr. M.A., M.D. |
There are 106 files for a total of 2,000,844 bytes. |
If you wish to have the entire directory conveniently archived and compressed into one file, please download either survival.tar.gz (656534 bytes) or (710657 bytes) instead of all the files separately.