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 Ý             SCHOOL IS HELL -- Lessons 4 through 6             Tfile     Þ°
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 ÜÜÜÜÜ                                                          Centere    Þ°
 Ý?  Þ   By: Powerful Paul                                      - RoR -    Þ°
 Ý A Þ_____________________________________________________________________Þ°
 Ý  ?Þ Shawn-Da-Lay Boy Productions, Inc.úúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúÞ°
   °°°The HQ of SDBP, inc - 415/849/2688°°The Electric Pub - 415/236/4380°°°°
   °Primary Drop Sites°°°°°°Rat Head - 415/524/3649°°°°°Primary Drop Sites°°°
                                SCHOOL IS HELL!

(Adapted from the cartoon by Matt Groening.)

[>   Lesson 4:  Wake up!  You'll be late for your first day of school!   >]

"Welcome to school, students.  Would you like your education the quick way, 
 or would you like it spread out over a dozen years?" 
"THEN SIT STILL AND SHUT UP.  Your squirming days are over.  First:
 Learning has nothing to do with life.  Learning is passive.  It must always
 be tedious.  So don't sass back.  You're all basically worthless little
 creeps fit only to take orders.  Your concerns count for nothing.  What is
 important is what WE say is important.  So do what you are told and you
 will stay out of trouble.  Everyone knows you won't do anything unless you  
 are bribed, tricked, or forced.  Because nothing is worth doing for its own
 sake.  So learn to be bored.  We're bored, so you should be too.  If you 
 live in a daze, you'll be less unhappy.  Any questions?"
"That's it?  That's our education?  We can go now?"
"Of course not.  We have some time to kill.  Have to keep you tiny monsters 
 off the street till you're 18, you know.  Open your books to page 1, and 
 we'll begin."

[>   Lesson 5:  What I learned in school.   >]

        "Why is it that all you failing students have such negative 

1st grade:
"We're all going to put our heads on our desks until the nasty little boy who 
 defecated in the urinal comes forward."

2nd grade:
"You say your grandmother is from Russia?  I'm very sorry to hear that.  You 
 know, they don't believe in God in Russia, and Christmas is against the law 

3rd grade:
"The class has been divided into three reading groups.  The gold group and 
 the silver group will stay here.  The brown group will go to a special room 
 in the basement."

4th grade:
"And you'll stay in the garbage can until you can be a good citizen."

5th grade:
"Draw a small circle on the blackboard.  Now stick your nose on it while the 
 rest of the class goes out for recess."

6th grade:
"Thank you for writing "I must remember to be cheerful and obedient" 500 
 times.  Now watch while I slowly rip it up before your eyes."

7th grade:
"OK.  Sex education.  Um, is there anyone who doesn't know?  Good.  Next:  
 dental hygiene."

8th grade:
"You little brats are laughing now--but you won't be laughing when you get to 
 high school, where there are gangs, drug pushers, and negroes."

9th grade:
"Perhaps this flunking grade will steer you in the right direction."

10th grade:
"So you think marching in the hippy-trippy peace demonstration is more 
 important than school, eh?  Then I guess this "F" won't matter much."

11th grade:
"I'm afraid that insolent remark about our President will go on your 
 permanent record, young man."

12th grade:
"If you think you can get through life drawing silly cartoons, you've got 
 another think coming."

1st year college:
"Mr. Gru-nink, I'm getting very bad vibes from you.  The rest of the class 
 groks what is going on--why can't you?"

2nd year:
"The sooner you all face up to the fact that you are lazy, untalented losers,
 unfit to kiss the feet of a genius like Friedrich Nietzche, the better off 
 you'll be."

3rd year:
"Listen, I'll give you full credit as long as you don't come around and 
 bother me anymore."

Final year:
"You do what you do tolerably well, Mr. Gro-nig.  Now you must ask yourself:  
 Is it worth doing?"

[>   Lesson 6:  The 9 types of grade school teachers   >]

        "I'll say this for you:  You're the worst student in the class."
        "Somebody's gotta be the worst."
        "You won't get anywhere in life with a defeatist attitude like that."

The good mom:
        Quote:  "Whoever admits putting the thumbtack on my chair will get a 
         great big hug for being so honest."
        Advantages:  Easy to please.
        Drawbacks:  Makes being bad no fun.
        Warning:  Often "bad mom" in disguise.

Ms. Sunshine:
        Quote:  "I think 'please' and 'thank you' are the most beautiful
         words in the English language--Don't you?"
        Advantages:  Slow to rile.
        Drawbacks:  Can be pushed over edge.
        Warning:  Turns into "Miss Raging Tornado."

The big pal:
        Quote:  "I believe this next yo-yo trick will prove a very
         interesting scientific theory."
        Advantages:  Acts like a kid.
        Drawbacks:  Kind of scary.
        Warning:  May be fired mid-year.

        Quote:  "If you kids don't settle down in five or ten minutes I think 
         I'm going to be slightly upset."
        Advantages:  Easily manipulated.
        Drawbacks:  May go berserk.
        Warning:  Screams to restore order.

The bad mom:
        Quote:  "Sit down.  Be quiet.  Speak up.  Hurry up.  Pay attention.  
         Do it again."
        Advantages:  Predictable.
        Drawbacks:  Repetitious.
        Warning:  Has eyes in back of head.

        Quote:  "When I was a little girl we didn't give our teacher the 
         finger when we were bored."
        Advantages:  Slow-moving, poor memory.
        Drawbacks:  Cranky as hell.
        Warning:  Surprisingly fast and strong.

The Sarge:
        Quote:  "Rule #10:  No late papers.  Rule #11:  No monkey business.
         Rule #12:  Shape up or ship out.  Rule #13:  I am never wrong."
        Advantages:  Plays favorites.
        Drawbacks:  Torments scapegoats.
        Warning:  When s/he smiles, look out.

The martian:
        Quote:  "You brats think I'm over the hill?  I've got news for you:  
         I AM the hill."
        Advantages:  Acts weird.
        Drawbacks:  Acts REALLY weird.
        Warning:  Weirdness is contagious.

The monster:
        Quote:  "If you're all going to act like stupid little fools I'm 
         going to treat you like stupid little fools.  No recess for the rest
         of the year."
        Advantages:  None.
        Drawbacks:  Plenty.
        Warning:  Run for your life.

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    ÜÝDr. Murdock ú Powerful Paul ú RatSnatcher ú Sir Death ú Pressed RatÞÜ ú
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