(Courtesy Of: The Altered Reality) 
         [ Newsflash! ] 
The real purpose of the National 
Enlightener is to take a objective 
look at the pirate/phreak world. 
With it's pirate/phreak cast as 
rock star syndrome. 
We have nothing against anyone, but 
find the actions of most of the so 
called "elites" completely stupid. Not 
to mention funny. So they are brought 
to you along with our commentary, 
whenever we find the time. 
Giving credit where it's due: 
Mr. Xerox was a very good programmer & 
pirate. His personality needs some re- 
programming, but other then that. He is 
(or was) good at what he did. 
Zero Page, same thing. 
Lord Digital, same thing. But looking 
at some of his old posts (2-3 years 
ago), and comparing it to what he has 
had to say in the last 6 months or so, 
We would be inclined to agree with The 
(980 wpm) Infiltraitor, about him 
having grown up and found a new person- 
ality. Now if only Mr. Xerox would do 
the same thing. 
The Wizard 414, & Broadway Hacker (like 
many others) damn well deserve what 
they get. 
Gadget master, same thing. 
The Atom, same thing. But he doesn't 
really need our help in making him 
look stupid. 
The Infiltraitor, frankly, we don't 
know what to make of this guy. Except 
for the evident fact that he is a fast 
King Blotto, mixed review. On the one 
hand, looking at some of his posts, We 
are inclined to believe that he is a 
perfectly mature, non-idiot, person. & 
we almost find ourselves thinking him 
likeable (like Lord Digital with his 
new and improved personality), But 
then, he either slips back into his old 
personality, or pulls a Jekyll & Hyde, 
and where there was a intelligent person 
30 seconds ago, there is now a 23 year 
old man ranting and raving at a bunch 
of people, 5-10 years younger then he 
is, and calling them rodents and losers. 
A perfect example of this is his reply 
to the Atom. At first he brings up 
things we agree with 100%, but then he 
takes a sharp turn into left field and 
starts rambling about rodents, chicken- 
shit's, and drinking the Atom's blood. 
In our humble opinion, if he ever got 
his head together, stopped ragging 
and hating so many people, and let his 
intelligent side come through more 
often. He'd be human. 
Wrapping this up, we're not amateur 
phsycologists. Rather we are telling 
it like we see it. 
Many of the people are good at what 
they do (or did) (not you Atom), and 
we can't fault their abilities. But on 
the other hand, some of them should 
take some time out and get a new 
Another thing most of them seem to 
thrive on is hatred and pettiness. 
People who have never met, never 
talked, live on other sides of the 
US, vehemently hating each other for 
no reason. When they run out of 
"enemy elites" to hate, they turn 
their ego's loose on all the "rodents" 
of the world. And this is not our 
imagination. We will show their 
posts in our next installment. 
Of course, any ELITES!@#! who happen 
to read this, will ignore it, or call 
us rodents. Since real elites, can't 
take criticism. Anyone pointing out 
the truth is a rodent. 
Enough of this, until next time, 
"I can't be wrong, I'm elite!" 