H O U S T O N A R E A 7 1 3 B B S L I S T (c) (All numbers are Area Code 713*) December 1992 Filename HOUBBS12.TXT S E A S O N S G R E E T I N G S F R O M T H E A T O M I C C A F E ДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДД Published on a Monthly Basis as a public service by CONNECT! COMMUNICATIONS CO The Houston Area BBS List may be file requested as HOUBBS via FIDONET at 1:106/235. CONNECT! COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY P. O. Box 720894 Houston, Texas 77072 ДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДД ±±±±±±±±± N O T I C E ±±±±±±±±± If you are the SysOp of a board and wish to be included on this list or make changes to your board, please call The Atomic Cafe (530-8875) and fill out the SysOp Questionaire, located in the <H>ouston Area BBS List area, available from the top level menu. The DEADLINE for publication is the 25th OF EACH MONTH. NO EXCEPTIONS. If you call The Atomic Cafe BBS only for the list, use BBS for your first name and LIST as your last name. There is no need to go through registration and validation if all you want is to download the list. If you are calling to answer the SysOp Questionaire, you must register under your real name. David Wachenschwanz Editor/Publisher ДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДД NOTICE ДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДД The Houston Area 713 BBS List (c) Copyright 1992 by David E. Wachenschwanz ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This list may be freely distributed or copied AS IS AND WITHOUT CHANGE OR ALTERATION. Permission to use otherwise or to make any structural or entry change must be granted by the copyright holder directly. ДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДД BPS Rate (BR) Key: *=300 a=1200 b=2400 c=9600 d=14,400 e=16,800 NOTE: We no longer list modem's DTE rates since DTE is not a true BPS rate ДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДД System Key: ALT=Altos AMG=Amiga Computer APL=Apple Computer ATI=Atari Computer CMD=Commodore Computer COC=Tandy Color Computer DOS=MS-DOS/PC-DOS operating system KPR=KayPro OS2=OS/2 2.0 TIA=Texas Instruments 99/4A UNI=Unix *Please note: Some systems may be noted as being L-D (long distance). There are some areas of the 713 area code that are a toll call. From other areas the same call may not involve a toll. We will attempt to flag these systems by either the L-D code in the comments area, or will add the 713 before the number. If we can't call the system from here without the 1-713 prefix, we will log it as L-D. The BBS community has a right to know if a toll may be involved before calling. Don't ask us to remove the L-D remark, as we won't. --David Wachenschwanz ДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДД The following system(s) have been added or changed since last month and operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Software System System Name Phone BR Type Type Comments ДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДД Armchair Athlete,The..457-0444 c Wildcat! DOS Sports Oriented BBS Cat House, The........460-8028 b Power DOS CATS LAIR BBS, The....427-3057 d Wildcat! DOS Over 70 doors, numerous files Fast Lane, The........376-8991 d TAG DOS 750 meg file areas no ratios HAAUG Heaven..#4......955-2626 d TBBS DOS Mac/Apple 2;HAAUG membrs only INTERCONT'L AIRWAYS...661-7360 b SpitFire DOS Messages,Files,OnLine Games MadHouse!, The........896-6122 b Elite AMG Fast And Large Amiga System Mass Appeal Madness...477-4777 d Spitfire DOS Doors,Gifs, USR HST 14.4 MediaSys..............797-0527 c Wildcat! DOS Media/Photog/Writers/Services Mike & the Boys' BBS..996-9776 d TAG DOS File Transfer, Adult Sections My Lil' Corner........575-1470 b Wildcat! DOS message areas, files, games Paradise Theatre,The..955-7152 b CBase CMD PIC of the MID Town...527-8939 c OPUS DOS Fido, MODs CP/M help. Programmers' Palace...242-4708 c GT Power DOS Programming language support Promised Land, The....946-7032 d Force! DOS Something for everyone! Roody's...............782-2110 b TAG DOS adult areas,gifs Satellite Of Love.....469-4580 c RemAcess DOS Windows Shareware, FIDONet TeenLine (Under 21)...589-1028 d Renegade DOS BRE,CyberSpace,FidoNet, More! U.F.O.nline...........688-2030 c Maximus DOS UFO-Paranormal-QuaziScience Ultimate, The.........494-1629 b GT Power DOS Many message areas Up All-Nite BBS.......641-3484 b Telegard DOS Adult File,Games,Online Games Vanity Vanity Publishg772-0936 b PCBoard DOS NEW NUMBER FANTASYLAND Voyager I.............575-8923 c Spitfire DOS CircuitNet, files, doors WHOLY WORLD BBS.......943-1777 b TAG DOS SIG FOR THE DO-IT-YOURSELFER ДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДД The following systems have been added or changed since last month and operate ONLY at the times specifed. Part time systems may or may not be functioning on a regular basis: Software System System Name Phone BR Type Type Comments ДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДД Escape Club, The......482-0023 b Renegade DOS 10:30PM-6:30AM FREE EVERYTHING! Groove Dog!, The......957-3270 b Wildcat! DOS 5pm-8amMON-FRI, weekends, Games Hound's Lair..........661-6586 c TAG DOS 4pm-9pm games sre cool board NUCLEAR UNDERGRD,The..280-8368 b Renegade DOS 6pm-6am,24hrs sat TW2002,GIFS ДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДД The following systems have been discontinued or NO ANSWER since last month: ДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДД American Agenda!......568-3788 d TAG DOS No longer public Information Society...932-0324 d PC Board DOS Down as of December 4, 1992 Max 80................863-1261 c TBBS DOS Hardware failure...discontinued NOTE: Boards listed here as NO ANSWER are considered "down." SysOps MUST fill out the questionaire again to be listed. All "no answers" are checked at least 5 times at different times of the day, and on different days during the month. Note: Many Sysops take their boards down during inclement weather or for maintenance and you may not get a connect at all times. SYSOPS ARE ENCOURAGED TO "BUSY" THEIR LINES OUT DURING THIS TIME TO AVOID BEING CONSIDERED "DOWN." A busy signal is better than constant ringing. ДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДД BPS Rate (BR) Key: *=300 a=1200 b=2400 c=9600 d=14,400 e=16,800 NOTE: We no longer list modem DTE rates since DTE is not a true BPS rate The following systems operate 24 HOURS A DAY: ДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДД Software System System Name Phone BR Type Type Comments ДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДД 001-Science Fiction...778-0239 a Ivory CMD 123 Bulletin Brd Club.681-3978 b GT Power DOS International Messages and games 123 Upper Room........586-0586 b GT Power DOS Religious content; chess 5th Ward Hit Board....779-2329 d TAG DOS GIFS, Adult online Games 1701D USS Enterprise. 466-0778 d TAG DOS GIFS; MODS; VOCS 69th Street BBS.......926-8714 c SkyLine AMG A Place Called Joe's..351-9757 b Maximus DOS Games, message requests A Womyn's Line........840-8160 d Maximus DOS Abacus Lite...........856-8850 c Wildcat! DOS Computer techical support Abend BBS.............771-2802 d PC Board DOS Abstract Realities....998-7042 d Spitfire DOS Special CMS downloads Abyss, The............324-2233 c RBBS DOS Host 4 Houston RBBS Net Mail;fls A.C.E.................874-2199 b RemAcess AMG Amiga Computer Enthusiasts ACME Node 1...........474-5515 d Skyline AMG WB2.0 Icons;24 bit pics ACME Node 2...........946-8420 b Skyline AMG 210megs Acom..................879-1448 b MichTron DOS BBS Chess, Star Trek Advantage Houston.....977-9505 c Chairman DOS Paperless readers club After Hours Node 1....937-0504 b RBBS DOS Adult echos, files, inter-chat After Hours Node 2....937-0599 c RBBS DOS X-rated games, matchmaker Airboat Online Node 1.856-7010 d Wildcat! DOS Airboat Online Node 2.855-4258 d Wildcat! DOS Airboat Online Node 3.855-6724 d Wildcat! DOS Wallstreet; doors All Along the Watchtwr575-8144 d Wildcat! DOS Multi-line chat Altair IV BBS.........947-2253 b Spitfire DOS doors Americans For Perot...326-ROSS b TriBBS DOS Open debate & politics Anchor, The...........688-9162 b Forem ST ATI Animal Kingdom BBS,The496-7572 b TAG DOS Adult areas;AdultLink Echo;games Animation Alley.......265-5227 c Wildcat! DOS V.32 Multimedia,FLI,GIF,SB + Apollo Exchange.......286-7740 d Spitfire DOS CircuitNet, lots of game files Apperitions Appear....491-0467 b TAG DOS FidoNet Arthur's BBS..........342-6561 b Spitfire DOS Atari-OH..............480-9310 c Forem ATI ATAS Computing........837-8003 d Spitfire DOS CircuitNet Atlas Shrugged........466-4783 b PBBS CPM ZCPR Support; TPM Atomic Cafe, The......530-8875 c TBBS DOS*Adult Area; CD-ROM; QWK Support Atomic Cafe, The (HS).530-0558 d TBBS DOS*DOS & MAC files;Visa/MC/Discover Aunt Jayne's HotHouse.522-3838 a TBBS DOS Alternate Lifestyle Autolovers............852-9739 b TBBS DOS Automobile Information Aviation Connection...485-7731 c GT Power DOS BBS Chess Aztec Gold............367-0155 b TAG DOS Games, chat B4-U-BUY Node 1.......975-2424 b Custom DOS Class.dir. of computer business B4-U-BUY Node 2.......975-2418 c Custom DOS Computer prices,80+dealers Back Door, The........561-6972 d TAG DOS Back Room BBS, The....341-7851 c Spitfire DOS FidoNet!,Doors,GIFs,Games,Win Back To BASIC.........470-8844 d Spitfire DOS V.32bis BASIC programming BADBOYS BBS...........478-2145 e RemAcess DOS BAPCO BBS, The........334-2115 c RBBS DOS Games,GIFS,SBMusic,Utilities BAR-K Resale..........485-2354 b WWIV DOS buy-sell-trade BatModem, The.........876-0767 b TAG DOS FidoNet, games Battleship............376-2504 b Ivory CMD Beanz-n-Weenie's BBS..277-6482 b TAG DOS chat area for AA,NA,OE,CODA Beehive BBS...........974-6995 c Galacti DOS 8 lines; FidoNet; Adult; dating Beginners RBBS,The(1).666-0035 b RBBS DOS Special BBS for New Users - Help Beginners RBBS,The(2).666-5552 c RBBS DOS Doors, Files, Newz, Email Bell's Theorem........781-9421 b Maximus DOS Apogee,Epic games,C/C++ Pgmg,DV Better Days...........946-2643 b TAG DOS Bre-Planatary, SGAnet Bit Bucket, The.......496-9670 d Spitfire DOS Over 100 FidoNet conferences! BitBucket ST..........729-7555 b Forem ATI Bits and Pieces.......537-0702 d PC Board DOS Black Box.............480-2686 d UNIX SCOv32b/v42b,FTP,InterNet,games,news Black Star............392-2578 c Opus DOS FidoNet Blue Ribbon, The......463-8656 d TAG DOS BRE,Pit,TW,SRE are registered Bob's File Exchange...395-3101 d PC Board DOS U'NI, WNET, V.32bis; easy reg Bohemian's BBS........587-2670 d Wildcat! DOS Adult conferences, files B.O.S.S. Board........479-1967 c Maximus DOS V.32/V.42bis;Sports information Bovine Bar, The.......947-7264 b TAG DOS FidoNet Breeze Node 1, The....664-3319 d RBBS DOS Just friendly people Breeze Node 2, The....664-6019 d RBBS DOS Just friendly people Brewer's Witch BBS,The272-7350 b Waffle UNI Pagan issues Buckwheats Pleas.Dome.855-1701 d Telegard DOS Xrated Files,Movies,Stories,game Bulldozer's BBS.......242-6370 b Wildcat! DOS Bulldozer's Two BBS...242-8363 b Wildcat! DOS Subscribers only, FidoNet Byte Busters..........852-4541 b PC Board DOS BBS Chess - Home base Byte Busters II.......963-9441 b PC Board DOS Primarily BBS Chess Byte Source BBS, The..495-1161 c Spitfire DOS V.42bis;Games,GIFs,Graphics C.A.G. BBS, The.......981-4634 c GT Power DOS Genealogy, Programming California Dreamin'II.783-3106 d Spitfire DOS Games,Alternate Lifestyle ONLY! Canadian Connection...699-1010 d Wildcat! DOS Files, Messages, Info, Fun CARRZ.................470-6045 e TAG DOS For auto enthusiast! Castle of Dreams, The.781-3875 b Maximus DOS Cat Box, The..........452-6830 b Wildcat! DOS Cell Bio BBS..........798-4955 b Opus DOS Amateur Radio; FidoNet Chameleon.............526-1434 b GBBS APL Chipped Flagon, The...375-5876 c Wildcat! DOS All doors registered, RPG, SB CHUG (Club)...........445-2484 a Custom CMD CHUG User group information Circuit Board, The....893-8716 b ExprssST ATI Citadel, The..........457-3755 b TAG DOS On-line games City of the Ancients..743-7494 b TAG DOS RPG's, Online games, Local echos C\LAN RBBS............682-3795 b RBBS DOS DesqView,Novell,Multinode Cliff Lee Consulting..558-3336 c Wildcat! DOS Soundblaster,Ray tracing Cloud Nine............855-4382 d PC Board DOS 9 gigs;20 nodes;RIME;NaNet;Fido Club Amiga BBS........528-7511 e Dialog AMG Amiga User's Group HQ, Echos Club Commodore........437-6230 a Ivory CMD Club Mega Byte........589-8885 d TAG DOS HSTv32/42bs Fido,Mail,Candy Nets Coco Loco.............923-6809 b Rainbord COC Colors of Chat........452-4520 c TBBS DOS Chat, multi-player games, files Com Port..............437-0483 b GT Power DOS BBS Chess COMM Port One.........980-9671 c Opus DOS FidoNet Compu-Sys Internationl464-0786 b TAG DOS Games,Files,Message-Reg.+Adult Computech.............774-7877 d GT Power DOS HST; Lots of SysOp Utils for GT Computer Buy/Sell.....446-5194 d PC Board DOS Echomail, SmartNet Computer Room, The....420-5725 d PC Board DOS Games Computer Translations.495-1542 b Galacti DOS Software support/consulting CONCH OPUS............667-7213 c Opus DOS FidoNet CPU BBS, The..........376-2853 b RemAcess DOS Adult areas; files; free Cross Connection BBS..270-7468 b TAG DOS Christ/Family Oriented BBS Cuddly Place, The.....896-7973 a UCBBS CMD Voting booth,files,friendly Cutting Edge, The.....466-1525 d PC Board DOS UseNet,City2City,TexasNet,300meg D & D Computers.......449-7680 c TAG DOS On-line prices,games,gifs Dagget Child..........879-5009 b TAG DOS Dark Dragon's Hideaway433-3684 b Renegade DOS Online games Dark Hour, The........926-9568 b Hermes MAC Wally Bashing and more Database Connections..495-4196 e Spitfire DOS dBase & Clipper help; FidoNet Data Warp Premium BBS.355-6107 d PCBoard DOS Usenet, multi-network, 2.4gig Day After, The........356-2532 d RemAcess DOS FidoNet, games, gifs Debate Place..........451-6066 b Opus DOS FidoNet Deer Park Connection..479-2184 b TAG DOS Denali BBS............589-8974 d Maximus DOSv.32bTV/Radio/Music/Theater/Movie Destiny Computer Srvcs932-7573 b Telegard DOS Reg. Doors,files,Fido,UPGRADES Dial 0................855-3327 c TAG DOS Online games Dickinson Night Light.337-1452 c TAG DOS FidoNet Digital Doins.........497-0810 b Galacti DOS FidoNet Digital Solutions.....481-5859 d Waffle UNI Internet Dignity/Houston.......988-8217 b Spitfire DOS Games;Doors;Alternate Lifestyle Dimensions of Eternity466-0872 b TAG DOS Adult files; RPGs; FidoNet Dimensions of Infinity682-6609 d TAG DOS Messages;files;adult areas;FidoN Doc's Little BBS......331-0874 c Spitfire DOS Fido, Doors, GIFs, Medical Info DogHouse PCBoard......837-1103 d PC Board DOS Long distance from some areas Dos Lords Dungeon.....681-1779 b TAG DOS Adult and Teen areas Double Bogey..........556-0735 c Telegard DOS adult areas; games; pgms Dragonlance...........981-5218 b TAG DOS Dedication Dragon Realm..........353-0226 d TAG DOS Strange World RPG! Dreamer's BBS.........540-8166 d Spitfire DOS Games, adult section, friendly Drive Inn, The........839-1092 d Spitfire DOS 16 doors;newuser help avail Dungeon, The..........849-4408 b TAG DOS The original Dungeon BBS Eagle's Nest, The.....645-4055 c TAG DOSv.32/v42b;Christian Oriented;Fido Eat Flaming Death.....447-1927 b Searchlt DOS Wargame board Educator's BBS........331-6923 b Spitfire DOS Educational files;file requests Elephant(GOP)BBS,The..464-7429 d GT Power DOS POLITICAL,CHAIRITY,POLICE,GAME Enchanted Realms......392-0224 b TAG DOS Contests Gallore!! End, The (ADULT BBS!).363-1231 c TAG DOS FidoNet Erotica's Chat Lounge.860-3515 c TBBS DOS X-rated msgs,files,chat,gms Exchange, The.........521-2191 d TBBS DOS 25 lines Gay/Bi/Lesbian ONLY Executive Express.....820-4870 b TAG DOS News,contest,dating,games, files Existential Dread Cplx471-3275 b Waffle DOS Parodying all adult bbs's EZ-Host BBS...........280-8180 d Galacti DOS 9600 MNP, 38400 v.42bis Family Research Center476-0667 b Maximus DOS Genealogy BBS, FidoNet Fantasy Party Line....596-7101 c DLX DOS Couples/Singles/Chat/Parties Far Point Relay Node1.463-8324 d TAG DOS Amateur Radio, FidoNet Fido Partner..........458-7410 c DOS FidoNet Fireside..............496-6319 d Maximus DOS USR DS V.32bis/V.42bis FidoNet Fish Bowl, The........955-1605 b QuickBBS DOS Serving Jesus Christ Foo's Wok.............339-3723 b Ivory CMD 6 subs Fort Bend Cty. Emer...341-4437 b TAG DOS Emer Management/Civil Defense Fortress Citadel, The.471-2344 d Metal APLv.32bis;Futurenet;Games;Apple PDs Fortress Citadel RPG..471-2308 b DDBBS APL MNP5; On-line games; RPG's Four Winds BBS, The...691-1104 b SBBS DOS Adult Areas, FidoNet, doors Fox Micros Computing..859-9105 b PC Board DOS dBase/Windows conferences Frank's Place.........953-1504 b Telegard DOS Good times, Good Friends Fulcrum's Edge........350-6284 c Opus DOS FidoNet Fun'n the Sun South...332-5681 b TAG DOS Files, Games & Adult Files G's BBS...............586-7751 d GT Power DOS Support for GT (G's) Utils Galactic Warzone, The.862-1347 b Spitfire DOS Games-n-More..........277-2328 b Wildcat! DOS 18 file areas, doors Gangland Node 1.......441-2067 c TAG DOS Adult,CD,MSGS,ONLINE GAMES Gangland Node 2.......441-2197 b TAG DOS NO FILE RATIOS,NO ACCESS FEES Gas Station, The......941-7583 b Wildcat! DOS Games and GIFs Gateway Houston.......271-3664 b TBBS DOS SF/Fantasy games Gateway Houston..USV..271-3665 b TBBS DOS Minitel Terminal support General Node 1, The...438-3156 d PC Board DOS HST V.32/V.32bis (DS) General Node 2, The...437-0723 d PC Board DOS HST;v.32bis/v.42bis (DS) Golden Coco, The......941-1542 b RiBBS COC FidoNet Good Sports BBS.......561-0140 d TAG DOS Digital Echo News;Fantasy Sports Grandmaster.......713-292-6787 b Wildcat! DOS L-D Free - Adult & Pilot files Grasshopper Nest......980-0998 c TAG DOS Files, Messages and Many Doors Great Amer. Giveaways.977-9505 b Chairman DOS On-Line Subscription Service Green Mansions........681-0598 d TAG DOS Gif's and Xputer Art Greenwillow Garden....726-1406 a GT Power DOS Griff's Tavern........550-5999 b TAG DOS FidoNet Guild, The............933-7248 b TAG DOS HAAUG Heaven..#1......664-9873 b TBBS DOS Full access for HAAUG Members HAAUG Heaven..#2......664-9876 d TBBS DOS Full access for HAAUG Members HAAUG Heaven..#3......664-9884 d TBBS DOS Full access for HAAUG Members HACE BBS..............458-9923 b Express ATI HAL-PC Telecom #1.....286-3200 b RBBS DOS HAL-PC Members HAL-PC Telecom #1.....286-3400 c RBBS DOS MNP HAL-PC Members HAL-PC Telecom #2.....442-6704 c RBBS DOS HAL-PC Members Ham n' Cheez's BBS....879-6039 b TAG DOS Swapshop; TAG files; Messages Hard Disc Cafe........589-2690 d RemAcess DOS USR Dual Stndrd.Fido,Basic,C,GIF Hard Drive Cafe, The..690-9601 b TAG DOS Computer Support BBS Hard Times, The.......686-5716 c PC Board DOS HST DUAL Hard Times, The.......686-3572 b PC Board DOS Harf!.................351-1753 b TAG DOS FidoNet; Overall insanity Harry's Asylum........471-6503 a Image CMD SIGs, Online games,voting,85megs Heavens, The..........850-0260 b RBBS DOS Games, messages, all welcome Heavn BBS.............996-5352 d TAG DOS A little something for us all Heights, The..........869-2284 c Wildcat! DOS V.32; CD ROM, Doors Hi Resolution Node 1..388-1738 d TAG DOS FidoNet 1:106/7777; Games, GIFs Hi Resolution Node 2..388-2925 d TAG DOS 2.5Gigs,Files,USR DS,adult area Hip Pocket BBS........495-5826 b Image CMD U.S., Canada, Australia nets Hitchhiker's Guide....242-0504 c Wildcat! DOS Hitchin' Post, The....947-0070 b BBSXprss ATI Networked message bases Hotel Houston.........556-1188 * Deversi APL multiline chat system House of Death......1-256-2770 b TAG DOS L-D from some areas Houston After Dark....530-7722 c DLX DOS 24 lines Hous.Altern.Lifestyles530-7500 c DLX DOS Gay/BI ONLY;2.5Gig online Houston Brewing Univ..465-0265 b RBBS DOS Homebrew info-upgraded to RBBS Houston Catholic......837-8455 b GT Power DOS CIN;Catholic Files;Many echos Houston Chat Channel..575-1010 b DLX DOS 31 lines Houston CHESS BBS.....879-7562 b RBBS DOS BBS Chess games only Houston Computer Co-Op666-0016 d Maximus DOS V.32bis;UseNet,FAX,Job Referrals Houston Connection....523-4120 b RiBBS COC OS/9 system assistance Houston Illusions BBS.586-0100 b Galacti DOS Chat, games, conferences Houston Lifestyles BBS586-9151 b Galacti DOS 4 line chat,email,sigs,files Houston N/W Z-Node....937-8886 c Wildcat! DOS QWK mail door, files, Zcpr3 area Houston Times.........783-0539 d Metal APL FutureNet, on line games Houston Windows.......996-7439 d PowerBBS DOS Windows ONLY files/messages;Fido HOWL!!................862-1415 d Spitfire DOS Life! Files! Words! Soul! Humpy's Happy Hour....457-1189 b TAG DOS FidoNet I.D.I. BBS............339-2273 b CMD Ice Palace, The.......591-7939 b TAG DOS FidoNet I.F.H.C.A.............948-9906 b TBBS DOS Pipe,valve,fitting database Ikonoclast............721-1538 d WWIV DOS games, philosophy In Living Colour......455-5050 b Ivory CMD Most active CMD board Info-Line.............977-0432 b BBS-PC! AMG Info-Net & Police Net.873-0403 b TAG DOS FidoNet InfoQuest BBS.........320-9163 b Wildcat! DOS Teen and Adult Conf., Games, etc Instrument MEGALON....479-3323 c TAG DOS A.K.A. RADIO_FREE_HOUSTON; Fido Interact..............469-9384 * Diversi APL Multiline chat;21 & over InterMix Chamber, The.589-0308 b Maximus DOS FidoNet, Star Trek Internal Affairs BBS!.358-8797 c Wildcat! DOS Doors/online PC Sales Isle of View, The.....771-2261 d TAG DOS On-line games; McAfee anti-virus Jackson's BBS, The....458-1418 d TAG DOS SIG for the do-it-yourselfer Jagged Edge...........499-9730 b RemAcess DOS Reg.Global Wars Pit Tradewars James Davis' Retreat..266-5266 b GT Power DOS Echomail Jim's RBBS............862-2046 d RBBS DOS Home of Novell FidoNet Echo Job Quest.............461-8137 b GT Power DOS Joe's Bar and Grill...674-4640 b TAG DOS FidoNet Jokers BBS............485-3074 b Spitfire DOS Game files; Arcade Doors Jolly Roger...........441-3898 c Wildcat! DOS SIGS,Family oriented,door games Jose Cuervo BBS.......787-9658 b TAG DOS dBASE/Clipper users group JunkYard, The.........458-0552 d ProLogon DOS Keefer's Keep.........484-3485 b TAG DOS Nancon Team AD&D staff Ken's Comics..........568-8880 b Ivory CMD King's Corner, The....550-2661 b Spitfire DOS Files and Fun Koinonia..............944-1841 b GTPower DOS Christian echos Korova Milk Bar, The..492-2783 b Waffle DOS UUCP Support;Unix Tutorial Files Last Call.............523-8366 b Opus DOS Alternate Lifestyle,FidoNet LastChance Trading Pst471-3647 c RBBS DOS No ratios, 15K+files, new modems Last Stop.............661-3399 c Maximus DOS FidoNet Latino BBS............531-9980 d RemAcess DOS bilingual msgs;games,files Launch Pad............498-7996 c TAG DOS FidoNet L.C.D.................550-4744 b RBBS DOS New & used computer parts Leisure Larry's Nd 1..837-1055 d Wildcat! DOS Adult sections; doors Leisure Larry's Nd 2..837-8326 d Wildcat! DOS 9600bps+ ONLY on node 2! Leisure World.........859-0902 e AmigaNet CMD GFiles, PFiles Messages & More Lifestyles............586-9151 b Galacti DOS SWINGERS Lighthouse BBS, The...431-1825 c GT Power DOS NetMail, SIGEchos, adultareas Linear Logic BBS......561-0702 b Maximus DOS Linx..................440-7364 a PC Board DOS Livewire BBS..........821-4749 c Spitfire DOS CircuitNet Logical Reality.......378-3111 c RemAcess DOS 38 Megs of shareware Longhorn BBS..........748-7353 b Maximus DOS FidoNet 1:106/10 Love & War............983-0991 d WWIV DOS Adult msgs, files, games M & A Sales...........999-6712 c RemAcces DOS FLI/GIF/GIF'S in .EXE FMT MacEndeavour..........640-1298 d TBBS DOS FOR MACINTOSH USERS; FidoNet Macaw's Roost Node 1..495-3730 b Auntie DOS Alcoholism/Addiction Forums Macaw's Roost Node 2..495-0555 c Auntie DOS Alcoholism/Addiction Forums Maelstrom OS Node 1...334-1265 d RemAcess DOS *1« GIG SHWARE/ADULT,GAMES,SALES Maelstrom OS Node 2...334-2241 b RemAcess DOS *FIDO,KINKNET,CHAT,DEMOS,GIFS/GL Maelstrom OS Node 3...334-2350 b RemAcess DOS *4 Nodes! Rotating Lines - Fun! Maelstrom OS Node 4...334-2545 b RemAcess DOS *Everyone Welcome - Call Today! Mailbox, The..........331-1753 c TAG DOS Mask Removed, The.....473-7339 b Wildcat! DOS Doors,Games,Specialty forums:sex Matchmaker............480-4466 b UNI 24 lines Maximum Overdrive.....470-9165 b Chipper CMD Media Bank............748-2420 b RBBS DOS Medico BBS............995-5956 b TAG DOS Medieval Starship BBS.492-7204 b TAG DOS Many reg.doors, RPG, SGA/Fidonet MegaPics..............468-7945 b RemAcces DOS GIFS Mel Douglas' BBS......789-0857 b GT Power DOS Metal Shop, The.......992-3939 d Forem ATI USR DS;F*Net,Space Empire Inter Micro Archives........590-6267 d RBBS-PC DOS ASP BBS,60K+ Files,RIME,GAMES Micro-Link............859-8253 b Wildcat! DOS Files,conference service Midnight Hour, The....466-5428 c QuickBBS DOS v32/42bis TI-99,Geneve,FidoNet Milliways BBS.........443-7878 d WWIV DOS On-line games and GIFs Mirkwood BBS..........475-2553 c Wildcat! DOS Games, files, messages Missing Byte..........946-5969 d PC Board DOS v.32/v.42 Mister Ed's BBS.......580-8105 b Spitfire DOS Mr. Ed's Corner.......447-6119 d Renegade OS2 V.32/V.42; Programming MoBetter BBS, The.....265-6928 c Telegard DOS Games Money Pit, The........480-8403 b RBBS DOS Moneymakr Express.....955-7211 b GT Power DOS Money-making opportunities Mount Belvieu BBS.....385-2001 d PC Board DOS 1.2Gigabytes online USRHST Mouse's Nest BBS......661-6368 b Opus DOS Rodent pets and owners Multimedia Realm!,The.462-3434 b Telegard DOS Multimedia files Muscle Beach..........683-9776 d Wildcat! DOS USR DS; Health & Fitness Music Connection, The.240-0105 b TAG DOS FidoNet Music Place, The......864-9447 a Spitfire DOS Music Oriented Musician's Connection.644-2225 b TAG DOS All systems welcome; MIDI SIGS Musician's Guild......242-4927 a 128-Net CMD Music, Sprites, Animation My New BBS............726-0445 c Maximus DOS Zoom 12,000 Turbo Nebraska BBS..........298-5688 b TAG DOS L-D Insanity,FidoNet,Games Neverending BBS!,The..495-8983 b Telegard DOS Door games, files, adult section New Atomic Brain,The..880-5469 b Telegard DOS Artificial intelligence New Ware Club.........558-9420 d Wildcat! DOS Virus;Games;Windows Night Shift...........941-5136 d Spitfire DOS Help for new callers Nocturnal Madness.....728-2067 b Wildcat! DOS Adult files, NO ratios Normal Place, The.....861-0007 b AABBS CMD North Shore BBS...713-251-9757 b Wildcat! DOS Games; L-D from some areas NovelConcepts BBS.....729-7555 b Forem ATI F*Net;Space Empire Nut & Honey...........498-6593 b Wildcat! DOS GIFS, Doors, Adult areas Nuts and Bytes BBS....997-9867 b GT Power DOS Open System BBS.......497-4453 d TAG DOS files, messages,online games Organic BBS...........487-9668 b TriTel DOS organic gardening,juicing Paradise Island Node1.488-6077 b Wildcat! DOS Adult messages,files;echos,games Paradise Island Node2.488-2032 c Wildcat! DOS Node 2 ParrotHead Paradise...879-7049 b Wildcat! DOS Parrots Cage, The.....270-6323 b GT Power DOS Good games,chess SRE,TRDWRS Paul T's Place........941-6112 b GT DOS BBS Chess, games PC Innovation Tech Spt933-5981 c Wildcat! DOS V.32 PCI Tech Support PC Nowhere............242-9766 c WWIV DOS Adult, WWIVnet, IceNET PC-Publisher.Node 1...443-0870 d PC Board DOS Desk-Top-Publishing & Windows PC-Publisher Node 2...443-2272 d PCBoard DOS SECOND NODE-9600 OR HIGHER Pegasus On Line.......499-1857 d Maximus OS2 USRHST;TIPC;IBM Interest groups Pegasus II............496-6647 d RemAcess DOS classified ads;adult doors;games Penguin BBS, The......498-0432 b Maximus DOS Doors Messages Fidonet 1:106/53 Phase IV..............371-0121 c C-NET AMG Games;MCI Commands; Phoenix BBS, The......728-3012 c GT Power DOS Christian, Fido, GT Net Phunny Pharm, The.....474-5420 d Spitfire DOS Megamail,Medical,Aviation Pier 7 Node 1.........477-2681 d RemAcess DOS FidoNet 1:106/477;Shareware Node Pier 7 Node 2.........477-2682 c RemAcess DOS Door distrib.sys.;R.A.Beta site Pig's Trough, The.....629-7908 b Spitfire DOS GIFS;Sp.Access for PEP/NLA Platinum BBS, The.....667-4215 b RBBS DOS Senior Citizens & Families Playline Magazine BBS.568-4400 b Galacti DOS Adult dating, sexual areas Power House BBS, The..852-7028 a Image CMD Christian support; games Power Plus BBS........550-9944 d GT Power DOS On-line computer store Printing Press........869-8681 b RBBS DOS Private Line, The.....933-0499 d Maximus DOS HIV+ Support Programmers Attic,The.894-4429 d Wildcat! DOS Programming: all languages Psychodrome BBS.......488-6817 b PC Board DOS On-line Games, Ham freqs list Quick Draw BBS........448-2853 c Telegard DOS Racers Hotline,The....578-2120 b Wildcat! DOS Echomail,Online drag races Radar's Little BBS....890-7017 c TAG DOS FidoNet, 9600 only Radar's Little BBS....890-7028 b TAG DOS FidoNet RADIO_FREE_HOUSTON....479-3323 c Maximus DOS AutoCad and AutoLisp;engr&tech Ranchouse BBS, The....481-8923 b TAG DOS FidoNet Raster Line, The......568-0825 d Xenolink AMG Doors, CD-ROM, Over 1 gig online RAWHIDE Palace, The...383-3961 b Hermes Mac Online graphics,games R/C Connection........337-6568 d GT Power DOS Really Big Board,The..873-0131 d Spitfire DOS Always Growing! Circuit Net Realm II..............463-2962 b Hermes MAC Mac Files, .Mods, RPG's Realms of Cyber Space.286-4811 d TAG DOS 5 NODES! 6.0 Gigs! 30+ Doors! Realms of Cyber Space.286-4857 c TAG DOS HST V.42 Online Doors Node-2 Realms of Cyber Space.280-9646 d TAG DOS HST 14.4k/V.42-OnLine Files N3 Realms of Cyber Space.280-9657 d TAG DOS HST 14.4k/v.42 Online Files N4 Realms of Cyber Space.280-9630 c TAG DOS v.42- Online Messages/Echos N5 Recovery Room BBS,The.242-9674 b Oracomm DOS 12-Step Recovery Ren & Stimpy BBS......441-3080 d Renegade DOS ANSI, games, files Request Line BBS......728-3775 b RBBS DOS AFTER NOV. 15TH FOR 3 MONTHS Ringworld BBS Node 1..681-6634 b Wildcat! DOS 15,000 files online; games,text- Ringworld BBS Node 2..681-5091 d Wildcat! DOS files; computer security;v.32bis Rivan Warrior.........324-3302 b TAG DOS Role Playing message bases, RPGs R.J.C. BBS............355-6702 b Spitfire DOS Quality Doors and Adult Files Roach Coach, The......343-0942 d Maximus OS2 V.32bis;Fido Cooking;OS/2; Road Kill Cafe........370-7004 b TAG DOS GW/Hangman games Roost, The............482-7080 c Wildcat! DOS FidoNet Rose Garden...........286-9958 b TAG DOS RPG's,games,fast messages Round Table, The......942-7607 d Maximus DOS Gulf Coast Mensa Official BBS Satellite TV Board....623-4899 c Spitfire DOS Satellite tv information & news S.E. Area Connection..481-2721 b Wildcat! DOS FidoNet,Chess,FREE Matchmaker dr Shanty Town BBS, The..351-1753 b TAG DOS No ratios; all systems welcome Shark Waters..........890-0025 b TAG DOS 31 doors Shooting Gallery, The.438-2818 b TAG DOS On-line games Shopping MALL 2000....438-6885 b RBBS DOS Weekly items on sale Short Circuit.........495-8156 c Wildcat! DOS Silver Mountain.......498-7550 b Maximus DOS 2400 only Sir William's BBS.....470-6204 c Spitfire DOS Circuit-Net, on-line games Sky's The Limit BBS...973-7602 d TAG DOS V.32bis;FidoNet,Door Games,files Snake Pit.............466-3022 d TAG DOS USR DS;FidoNet Echos;Files;GIFS Software Expressions..541-3910 c Maximus DOS FidoNet Solar Realm, The......855-1665 d Telegard DOS Home of SR-Games! Now 2 Nodes!! Sound Off!! Node 1....392-7286 e TAG DOS One Line at 16.8 Sound Off!! Node 2....392-7385 b TAG DOS lots of games/New Files daily! S.Texas BBS Sys.Node2.955-0063 d RBBS DOS CompuComm Modem;dBase South Texas Area Gays.726-0346 b Spitfire DOS Gay oriented features; msgs SouthWest Tower BBS...772-8461 d RemAcess DOS WINDOWS ONLY!!! SpaZazz BBS...........579-7717 d Wildcat! DOS Games,Doors,Adult,and Echo Mail Specific Solutions I..568-8482 c GT Power DOS Files only-MS Windows Specific Solutions II.568-8483 b GT Power DOS MS Windows software/support Squeak! BBS, The......485-0321 b TAG DOS FidoNet,DuckNet,Homesites Stadium Club, The.....458-2037 d Maximus OS2 HST/V.32; Fido 1:106/1028 Stargate..............463-4941 b GT Power DOS Stargazer.............470-8987 c Opus DOS FidoNet Stargazer's BBS,The...550-9243 c Wildcat! DOS Fido,CD-ROM,Astronomy,Adult Area Stranger's Obsession..868-2943 b Telegard DOS Games, Echo Mail Swap Shop.............266-3563 c PC Board DOS FidoNet Synergy BBS Node 1....495-2844 d Wildcat! DOS v.32 v.42 Synergy BBS Node 2....495-8259 d Wildcat! DOS Netmail, PC Innovation SysOp Exchange, The...452-5428 b Wildcat! DOS For SysOps and Co-SysOps Talk Channel Houston..476-5196 b DLX DOS 18 or over only Tejas BBS.............849-2659 d PC Board DOS Smartnet node; 60+ doors Tek-Nique.............473-7546 b TAG DOS Door games Texas Connection......286-8013 c Wildcat! DOS Doors, Files, Messages Texas Country II......729-6618 d PC Board DOS HST dual Std, Amiga/DOS Texas Pipeline RBBS...550-0130 b RBBS DOS RBBS Houston Texxas Star...........821-6629 c Maximus DOS FidoNet Thru The Looking Glass998-1024 b Telegard DOS Hookah-smoking Caterpillars Time Bandit, The..713-424-7033 b TAG DOS L-D; Door games Toon Town BBS.........332-0809 b Ivory CMD Torture Chamber, The..466-1756 b TAG DOS FidoNet 106/1756, SRE/PIT Reg. Tower, The............771-7004 b DOS FidoNet, religious Tower of Power, The...729-7701 d ProDoor DOS Game doors; BBS Chess Town Talk Houston.....495-6500 b DLX DOS Chat, on line trivia Town Talk Houston.....530-7600 c DLX DOS HST, Chat, on line trivia Trace!................862-6400 b Opus DOS FidoNet; geneology Trading Post, The.....493-0477 b Tritel DOS Tranquility Base......893-9124 c GT Power DOS V.32;BBSChess;StarTrek;RelayNet Transporter Room 3....451-9543 b RBBS DOS Specializes in StarTrek Trekkers Paradise.....894-1391 d TAG DOS Star Trek related BBS Turbo Information.....524-3075 d SuperBBS DOS Engineering Pgms; doors Turkey's Roost, The...530-7505 d Spitfire DOS MultiNode Gay & Lesbian & more Twilight Express......890-1239 b Spitfire DOS BBS Chess Two Wheelers..........682-6508 b Opus DOS FidoNet TX FathersEQUAL Rights376-4767 d Opus DOS FidoNet Ugly Duckling, The....332-0363 b Pics KPR Support for CP/M Ultimate, The.........494-1629 a GT Power DOS Uncle Wally's Place...334-1136 b TAG DOS Adult,C&W SIG,FidoNet,GIFs,Files Under Construction....931-0600 d PC Board DOS Unforgotten BBS, The..933-2181 b TAG DOS SRE/PIT Unkaphaed.............943-2728 d Waffle DOS v.32bis REM/XTC Echos;UseNet Up All Night..........495-3868 b TAG DOS Adult/Teen access; RPG's User Friendly Node 1..580-1301 b TAG DOS Contests, games, Mealtime Melee User Friendly Node 2..580-6466 b TAG DOS Automatic roll-over USS Pegasus...........777-0821 c Opus DOS V.32;Ham Radio,RPGs;FidoN Utopia................463-2484 b PC Board DOS Trade Wars Valley Soft BBS.......893-2851 b WWIV DOS WWIVNet; FidoNet; Files VAX Connection........530-5144 d Wildcat! DOS VAX/VMS files VeriTech..............461-7384 d Maximus DOS FidoNet VIS BBS...............894-2069 b Wildcat! DOS Basic Programming Vomit Comett, The.....484-3050 b Telegard DOS files,conferencing,Doors W.A.B.................488-0613 b Sterling AMG 24hrs; Weird people & Messages War Games BBS.........489-0677 b GT Power DOS Games, GTPN Netmail WCSCNet...............568-6401 c Opus DOS FidoNet West Houston Wildcat..392-3512 d Wildcat! DOS FidoNet,AdultNet,90 Doors,games Windows Mania BBS.....558-8707 b Wildcat! DOS WINDOWS ONLY! Wings.................852-3753 b Wildcat! DOS Wizards Workshop, The.992-2526 b Ivory CMD Womb, The.............597-9662 d Spitfire DOS Contests, polls, doors Wooden Shoe, The......474-9657 d TAG DOS FidoNet;USR Dual Standards X, The................728-2199 c RBBS DOS Libertarian activist base Ye Olde Bailey........520-1569 d PC Board DOS SmartNet regional hub Ye Olde Inn III.......331-3056 c TBBS DOS FidoNet Yoda's Lair...........933-3076 b GT Power DOS Zachary*Net...........933-7353 c NoChange DOS Zeus' Realm...........956-1746 c TAG DOS Singles,Online games,always chag ДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДД The following systems operate ONLY during the hours indicated: Software System System Name Phone BR Type Type Comments ДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДД ACG BBS...............877-1969 b TAG DOS 11pm-7am, Graphics, FidoNet Adoption Forum BBS....441-7273 b Wildcat! DOS 8pm-8am 7 days;adoption support Amazon's Domain.......351-5615 b Spitfire DOS 10p-7am 7days; Womens help/info Armadillo Ranch.......550-7918 b TAG DOS 7am-10pm;PIT/Tradewars;Teens;Adt Beholder's Lab, The...334-1727 a TAG DOS 4:30pm-8:00am wkdys, 24hr wknds ComaClone.............548-1368 b WeaselnetDOS 11:30p-9am 7days; MOD files Enchanted Lair........429-9343 d TAG DOS All ages,daytime 8:00am 2:00pm Eternal CHAOS!!!......981-9926 c Renegade DOS 4p-12a Most Online are registd Kidsline..............859-0513 a GT Power DOS 3:15pm-9:00pm wd/10am-10pm wknd MACximum BBS..........870-5344 b Hermes Mac 5pm-7am M-F; 24 hrs weekends Mindbenders Domain,The529-1455 b Spitfire DOS 10pm-6am Missing Space RBBS,The590-0504 b RBBS DOS Midnight-7am 7 days Nation of Islam.......444-4744 b RBBS DOS 9p-6a M-F; 8:30pm-1pm weekends Perfect General, The..421-2405 d Wildcat! DOS 5pm-6am;(L-D) on-line games,gifs Silver Bullet BBS.....988-1846 b Renegade DOS 8a-11p Doors,Games,Files,Adult SilverCOrp's BBS......261-5418 b Forem ST ATI 9pm-8am Small business forum Tower of the Moon...1-545-8551 b RemAcess DOS 8p-10a 7days; FidoNet; Adult TROLLTOWN 2...........482-0023 a Renegade DOS 10:30-6:30 SysOp likes to chat Unit HQ...............650-3378 b TAG DOS 6pm-8am WDs;24hrs Weekends W.....................376-9178 b TAG DOS 2pm-8am Usenet,Fidonet,Doors Warlord's Kingdom.....370-3056 d Telegard DOS 5p-7a WeekDays; 24hrs Weekends ДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДД The Houston Area 713 BBS List (c) Copyright 1992 David E. Wachenschwanz ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДД