

 - The 96LIST is a collection of numbers reported as belonging to US BBSes
   with one or more lines supporting CONNECT speeds of 9600bps or higher.
 - 96LIST is compiled and maintained by Ken Sukimoto, SysOp of the DownTown
   BBS as a service to DownTown BBS subscribers and other callers and is
   published on an irregular basis.
 - As of the 12/1/91 release, 96LIST is also available as a comma delimited
   file to save space and deter easy, unauthorized modification. This file is
   distributed as 96-USA.DB rather than 96-USA.TXT.
 - As of the 1/1/93 release, 96LIST will be the name of the archive
   containing 96-USA.TXT. Canadian listings are now handled by a Canadian
   list keeper. Look for 96CDA.??? for this new list.


 - This is not intended to be an advertising list. With the way BBS's change,
   there is no way I or most anyone else could keep up with software/hardware
   changes, doorways added/deleted, specialties of the BBS and other features
   that make a BBS unique. This would also make 96LIST even larger than it
   currently is and just one more opportunity to be inaccurate.
 - Although it is the goal, 96LIST is not comprehensive. I am quite sure there
   are a lot of BBS's that have been omitted - rather than attempt to guess at
   BBS names/numbers/cities and modem types, I am depending on reliable
   sources to submit these missing BBS's and accurate information about them.


 - Since the content of 96LIST is for the most part public knowledge, no
   formal copyright for content is applied for.
 - I'm not even sure that the name "96LIST" isn't already copyrighted; if it
   isn't, then that is the only copyright claimed.
 - Rather than legalese and restrictions, I request common courtesy in the
   distribution of 96LIST.
 - No fee should be charged for 96LIST other than normal system access


 - 96LIST is dedicated to the SysOps who install high speed modems, enabling
   users to access systems at higher and higher speeds. It is also dedicated
   to these same users who motivated the SysOps to install these modems
   through their contributions; material, inspirational and otherwise.
 - Thanks go to the SysOps, Users and Administrators of U'NI Net, SmartNet,
   MajorNet and Intelec for their help and the use of their networks to 
   gather information for this list.


 - When distributing this list, do not rename 96-USA.DB or 96-USA.TXT!
 - Most BBSes don't like unarchived text files, so if archived, name the
   archive "96DBmmyy.ext" where:
   mm  = the numeric designator for the month; Jan = 01, Dec = 12
   yy  = the last 2 numbers of the year; 1993 = 93, 1994 = 94
   ext = whatever extension the archiving program defaults to.
   The December, 1993 release would be named 96DB1293.ZIP (using PKZIP to
   archive) as an example of the naming convention.
 - The naming convention for the ASCII version archived would be:
   "96LISTa#.ext" where:
    a  = alpha designator - A=Jan; B=Feb; C=Mar; L=Dec
    #  = the last number of the year; 1993 = 3, 1994 = 4
   ext = whatever extension the archiving program defaults to.
   The December, 1993 release will be named 96LISTL3.ZIP (using PKZIP to
   archive) as an example of the naming convention.
 - Please note - many systems listed are multi-line or multi-node and their
   inclusion on this list does not mean the number listed has that particular
   setup available. Some BBSes are subscription and reserve the high speed
   lines for subscribers only (The DownTown BBS is such an example).
 - The DownTown BBS is currently a 4 line MajorBBS system with access on your
   first call to download 96LIST. See the file 96PICKUP.TXT for the procedure.


                              Modem Type Legend

     CS1  = 9600 CompuCom CSP           [CompuCom Champ]
     CS2  = 9600 CSP & 9600 v.32        [CompuCom Storm]
     CS3  = 9600 CSP & 14.4k v.32bis    [CompuCom Star]
     DS   = 14,400 HST & 9600 v.32      [US Robotics Dual Standard]
     DS2  = 14,400 HST & 14.4k v.32bis  [US Robotics v.32bis Dual Standard]
     DS3  = 16,800 HST & 14.4K v.32bis  [US Robotics v.small Dual Standard]
     HST  = 9600 or 14,400 bps HST      [US Robotics HST]
     HST4 = 14,400 bps HST (if known)   [US Robotics HST]
     HST6 = 16,800 bps HST (if known)   [US Robotics HST]
     TB   = Telebit PEP                 [Telebit Trailblazer]
     TB2  = Telebit PEP & v.32          [Telebit T-2500]
     ULT  = 9600 Hayes V & 9600 v.32    [Hayes Ultra]
     ULT2 = 9600 Hayes V/14.4k v.32bis  [Hayes Ultra 14400]
     VH   = 9600 Hayes V Series         [Hayes V-series]
     V32  = 9600 CCITT v.32             Brands will vary
     V32A = 9600 CCITT v.32/12k v.32bis Brands will vary
     V32B = 14,400 CCITT v.32bis        Brands will vary
     ZYX  = 14.4k v.32bis & 16.8 ZyXEL  ZyXEL
     2400 = 2400 Public Access line - 9600 lines available



 - Because these numbers have not been verified, the Compiler of 96LIST will
   not be responsible for erroneous information.
 - Inclusion/exclusion of a BBS is NOT an endorsement/condemnation of the BBS.


 - If you should find a number on the list that is NOT a modem number, please
   notify the DownTown BBS so it can be noted & removed from the next release.
 - If there is an error or if a BBS updates/modifies modem[s], please contact
   the DownTown BBS.
 - If you are a SysOp and wish to be included in the next release of 96LIST,
   please contact the DownTown BBS with the applicable information. Leave your
   board info in private e-mail addressed to User_ID "Sysop" with the subject
   of "96LIST" or to the address below via US Mail.
 - Please do not send public messages to KEN SUKIMOTO on networks with your 
   correction, new entry or comment. Although I will act upon the information,
   many networks frown upon sending PUBLIC messages for this purpose.
 - I can be reached by PRIVATE e-mail on several networks that offer this 
   feature. The networks and my address on them are listed below.
 - 96-USA.DB should not be modified to modify/add/delete entries!

                                THE DOWNTOWN BBS
                                LOS ANGELES,  CA
                  213-484-0260 [3/12/24/96/14.4k bps v.32bis]
                         7 Gigabytes of Adult Graphics
                  3.6 Gigabytes of Hard Drive Library Storage
                  4 Gigabytes of CD-ROM Drive Storage On-line
                14.4k HST/v.32bis & 16.8k ZyXEL lines available
                 PCP via CALAN or CAGLE -- Starlink via Vernon

                              US-SnailMail Address
                                  DownTown BBS
                         1008 N. Rosemont Avenue; #113
                           Los Angeles, CA 90026-3032

                            Network E-mail Addresses
                       MajorNet: Sysop@DWN
                       Internet: Ken.Sukimoto@Panasia.Com
                               [End of File]