Project Ägypten: Who
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Intevation GmbH, located in Osnabrück, Germany is a high level free software consulting company. Beyond the technological implications it empowers its clients to utilise the advantages of free software culture and usable IT-solutions. Intevation is main sponsor of the FreeGIS project and supports the FSF Europe.

g10 Code GmbH is a software consulting company dedicated to the development of security solutions using Free Software. g10 Code takes responsibility for further development of GnuPG and consults for the GNU project on cryptographic questions.

Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB is a small international software company with headquarters in Hagfors, Sweden. Its employees work in Sweden, Germany, and Denmark. The company specializes in platform-independent software solutions and names DaimlerChrysler, IBM, and Intel among its customers. In 2001, Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB has launched a series of applications and libraries mainly targeted at developers. Courses and mentoring are also part of the company's offerings.
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